Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week 29 (December 15- 19) Need to Finish This :3

Hello guys its ME!! :D

This week I finished my flowchart 5 and paste it to our teachers computer so he can check it.

I don't have my picture of what I did, but I finished my flowchart 5 ..

I'll paste it here if I know how to take a print screen okay :D


*Bye See you next time ;)*
        God Bless U All
*mso1772 out :P*

Week 28 (December 8-14) Flow Charts :)

Hello heheh!!!

Guys and Girls haha ... We did this week was flow charts of the things that we had typed in our computer. For the first flow chart I was the one who finished first in our batch. And I am off to the other flow charts that are needed to be done this week!:D

Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.

This was confusing when we did it but it was fun :D

Here are some pictures !! This is credits to -->

I don't have the pictures of my flow charts that I made because I forgot to take a picture.

Week 27 (December 1-5) Its the Start of JavaScript 4

Hello people!!! How are you?
Well fine are you? :D

Okay this week we are going to tackle a new topic the JavaScript 4. I hope we will like and like that too. Sometimes I don't like it, so confusing hehehe :)

GoodBye JS3! Hello JS4 :)


*Bye Bye! nyahaha :D*

*mso1772 out :*

Week 26 ( November 24-28) PreJS3quiz and Js3 quiz ^_^

Hello guys!
This week had two quizzes I think hehe :D
All I got was a very low score that I don't need to mention because it is bad. I am very sad that I will not say what I got :P

Okay I will put a picture :)
This is the picture is credits to Jessa Marie Pangan because she did it. ^_^

Week 25 ( November 17-21)

Hello guys!
 I will show only pictures for today because this week was the continuation of the JavaScript :D

Credits for the pictures to -->

Week 24 (November 10-14) Its time to type :P

Hello guys! :D
I'm Back Again hehehe :D

I am happy, who's happy too? You are? Then that's great! ^_^

Okay now guys I am going to show you some pictures of what we have typed already and what came out of it. :)

This pictures are credits to Ara Gonzales. Visit her blog too if you please.
Here is the link -->

Week 23 (November 3-7) Intramurals and the Start of Something New ^_^

Hello mina-san :) Missed me?
yeah I know right! :P

Okay this week, we did this week in our ICT was the JavaScript 3. We need to encode them and our teacher discussed the meaning and other tings about it. We also need to encode it all so we will be finished. But this week also was our Intramurals.

It was annoying because our teacher made us guard the Social Hall and keep it in order. It was annoying because of the bats, the odor in the place, and the teacher that gives orders around and something like that. >_<

This is what we did this week and we only got to our ICT class I thing 3 times only because of our schedule is busy. ^_^


*That's all bye guys ! See you next time in my next feed back be sure to stay tune. ;) *

( * mso1772 Out :P * )

Friday, December 19, 2014

Week 22 (October 27- 31) What A Week @_@

Hi guys! Missed Me?

Guess YES? Right? ^_^
Sorry guys for the late feedbacks and stuffs..

Okay this week our teacher Sir Peralta discussed all about the JavaScript  2 and this also he gave us quiz on that topic. And I was so confused because it was also the time that our classmates are going to join some pageant held in our school. We were gonna help in making the costume.

We were confused but Jayvee and Kia told Sir Peralta the situation so he understood and will give the quiz tomorrow. We were happy but before that there was an ugly person that said that we are going to do it for our classmates but she never helped in making in the costume ... What a person such a liar.

It was busy and fun also. ^_^


That's all bye!!
See you next time be sure to tune in for the next feed backs okay? ^_<

Sayanora Mina-san ! :*