Friday, September 26, 2014

Tenth Week (August 4-8) Our First Periodic Exam!

Hi guys! ^^

 Still this is a late update.. Sorry please forgive me! Thank you!

Gosh Its our first exam on ICT I am nervous.
OHHHHH EXAM please give me a passing score! >_<

Well our exam consist of 30 questions and we need to answer all the questions in 9 minutes. My classmates were all nervous too like me haha.. Well we all are. When we are done answering Sir Peralta went to our assigned computers to check our answers.. Gosh! When it was my turn I am like thinking in my mind "Please a passing score!" . Well I got 19 and that made me happy! ^^

The highest among us was rohan she got 25 while next to her is Winniedy 24.
I am happy of what I got because every score that I get was based on what I understood about the lesson and the review that I made.

Well that's all guys! See you on my next update! Love lots! ^^


Sayanora Mina-san!! (Goodbye Everyone) ^^

*MonicOlarte signing out!* God bless you all!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ninth Week (July 28 to Aug. 1) Completing Our Blogs?!

Hi guys!! ^_^

Well first I need to say sorry because this is a late feedback on what is happening to our class.
I hope you guys can understand why I didn't post recently. ^^

Well this week we did our blog, checking what's wrong and updating stuffs about what we have learned so far. Well it took us sleepless or lack of sleep just to do our blog and including the others stuff we need to finish. Well everyone were like zombies big eyebags and they look haggard haha. ^^

Why blog?! haha why are you so hard to do but also fun. ^^

blog (a truncation of the expression weblog) is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject.

Credits to ->>

Well that's all for today! :3

Have a great day and godbless. Don't forget to pray.


*This is Monica signing out! * Love lots :*