Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Week 34( February 2-6) The Start Of A New Beginning!

Hi guys this is a bit of a boring updates because I don't have many pictures.

This was the start of the new chapter JavaScript 5. We encoded some of it that is in the worksheet.

This is the code for the first activity simple function.

A function by definition is a block of statements that not only performs some task, but also returns a value. It is independent in your program and not executed until called. Functions are like mini-script.

This is the code for Passing Arguments.

This output is entitled as Function.  A function can be called directly from a link, by using the JavaScript pseudoprotocol, javascript:, instead of a normal url. The javascript: protocol and the function call are placed within the quotes and assigned to the href attribute of the <a> tag. When the user clicks his mouse on the link, instead of the program going to the URL of another page, a JavaScript function will be called.

Credits to Winniedy. I don't know how to print screen . So I am sorry for taking some pictures of her works.

That's for this week. Bye.

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