Friday, November 21, 2014

Twenty First Week(Oct.20-24) Sembreak? You can say that! :D

Hi guys! It's been long seen I updated. Well I am sorry guys, It's been a busy week and we have to do our school homeworks and stuffs like that.

Well enough with this.. hahaha ^_^

This week was a week vacation for us students. We had some time to do some chores and help out with some household. But since its like that we had some free time some of our teachers gave us projects to complete and submit at the end of our vacation. I was like.. Why? Its a week vacation right? Arrgghh it was so annoying that I did it. Yeah like that. If you can finish it early then you have time to relax right? Yeah right! That is what I did the whole week of my vacation. The same goes for my classmates.

While we had the week vacation I had the time to watch the animated movie "Whisper of the Heart". It was an amazing story. You should watch it too its great! ^_^


BYE! Till next time :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Twentienth Week( Oct.13-17, 2014) Exams!!

Hi guys! I'm back :)
Did you miss me?? Well I did! haha ^^

This week all we did was taking exams. The exams are though and hard, I don't even know what to answer.. It's like What The Heck! Did we learned this?? Argghh so frustrating ...

We also had an exam with our ICT subject. It's like the first periodic exam. We had 30 question in our computers that we need to answer in 9 minutes. The exam was time pressured. I don't know what the answer of the other question its confusing. You know what I did?, I did the thing like Mini, Mini, Mine, Moe? haha I don't know..

Well that's what we did that week.. Its quiet stressful you need to review all the subjects that will be taken in by the exam that day.

Well see you guys on my next feedback! Make sure to comment or give some suggestions that will improve my blog. Thanks. Bye ^^

Nineteenth Week (October 6-10) Got that as Expected! =_=

Hi guys! ^_^

Well here I am again giving you some updates!

This week we did some activities but I didn't get some score but its okay that's what I get so I am okay with it.. We did activities but no one got any points because it was confusing.

Thought it was confusing it was till fun because I enjoyed typing the codes under time pressure.

Today I don't have any pictures that I can share. Gomen!! >_<


*That's all guys see you next time *

Take care., Always watch for my feedback. okay? >_^
You can also comment any suggestions or comments that can improve my blog. :)

Nic's Out! bye! :*