Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 38( March 2-6) Another Beginning! JavaScript 6

Hi guys the week is still now finished but I will update early today!! hahah

So we did today was to type some of the activities that are in javascript 6.
Here I will show the first 3 codes for the javascript 6.

On the upper left side is the 1st code. On the upper right is the 2nd code and the other is the third code.

 This are some pictures of our activities that work well. It is arranged but I don't have other codes.

Here are my complete HDD files on JS 6 but there are some errors.. hahah

Bye for now! :D

Week 37( February 23-27) A Week Without ICT.

So hello guys! :D

For this week we didn't have any classes for our ICT subject due to the 73rd Foundation Day at our school. Some of our classmates entered the contests and others well I don't know.

So that's all! :D
God Bless..
Ciao!! :)

Week 36(February 16-20) On the Spot Activities!

Hello guys! Did you miss me? I miss you too.

Well let's get started. For this week we did many on the spot activities.

For february 16: We were given a 30 pts activity. I got 15 there hahaha. I made points, that's an achievement!  But for my other classmates they didn't do the activity due to our Mapeh teacher taking our time there . They had no choice but to take the exam. We were given 30 minutes to answer a hundred question. Like what? Argghh so frustrating.. =_=

February 17-18: We did this 2 days was the activity for the exercise 4 and JS 4  quiz.. I don't know if its 4 or 3.

February 19- No classes due to Chinese New Year!! :D

February 20- We had no classes today but I had to enter the Electronic Poster Making. I didn't know what to do there. I ask Jayvee what I don't know. It was fun. I had fun in pasting the picture hahaha xD. There were only 3 contestants, Me, Jayvee, and A-jay. I don't know but we were the only ones ..

That was what we did this week. For the pictures I'll update it sometime this week.. Okay stay tune okay  :)

Ciao!!! Bye God bless!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 35(February 9-13) Function Exercises! :)

Hi guys late update for a week!
This sucks right? not being able to update what's going on..
Sorry for the circumstances! :D

Okay lets start. We did this week was some exercises about our new lesson FUNCTION.

Well lets have a short recall about function.

okay.. -> A function by definition is a block of statements that not only performs some task, but also returns a value. It is independent in your program and not executed until called. Functions are like mini-script.

This week also was our JS Promenade .. it was feb. 11 ... I had fun but there was a little time to dance so we didn't enjoy much.. :P

I will show you some pictures some other time okay.
My computer is incomplete because the PrtSc SysRq is not working so I can't save any pictures so ciao! :*

Mica Chan's out :D
Good Bless!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Week 34( February 2-6) The Start Of A New Beginning!

Hi guys this is a bit of a boring updates because I don't have many pictures.

This was the start of the new chapter JavaScript 5. We encoded some of it that is in the worksheet.

This is the code for the first activity simple function.

A function by definition is a block of statements that not only performs some task, but also returns a value. It is independent in your program and not executed until called. Functions are like mini-script.

This is the code for Passing Arguments.

This output is entitled as Function.  A function can be called directly from a link, by using the JavaScript pseudoprotocol, javascript:, instead of a normal url. The javascript: protocol and the function call are placed within the quotes and assigned to the href attribute of the <a> tag. When the user clicks his mouse on the link, instead of the program going to the URL of another page, a JavaScript function will be called.

Credits to Winniedy. I don't know how to print screen . So I am sorry for taking some pictures of her works.

That's for this week. Bye.

Week 33(January 26-30) Still Didn't make it..

Hi heheh xD

Late update so sorry.

This week we did the Exercise 5.

I will give you some details about it Exercise 5 . I'll give the codes :D

Here is the code for exercise 5. So lets go to PREJS4..

Here are the code for prejs4. I think only jessa got this and got exempted.  She is so smart in this subject.

That's all Bye .. Oh almost forgot got the pics from Winniedy.

Week 32( January 19-23) 3 Day Vacant + 1, Then Class Again


This we don't have have ICT class for 4 days because our beloved teacher went to HongKong with his family.

We occupied the vacancy of our teacher in doing our research paper for our English subject. Sir Peralta came back on friday and gave us time to enter the room and finish our encoding for some activities.

Week 31( January 12-16) Count it down!

Hi guys I am so back !!! :D

Sorry for the late updates so let me make up to you by giving some info's about what we did this week.

Last week was the start of JS4 quiz exercises. This was the continuation of that. Well for my side I didn't get any points in some of the activities that our teacher gave to us, so we have to wait for the codes and type it in the computer. Well our exercise is more on while loops.

I will show you some screen captures of my classmate. It's credits to her, visit her blog if you must :D

Exercise 2

This is our guide for exercise 2

This is the finished one.

There are no codes sorry.

Exercise 3 :D

A prompt box will appear at the very start of this activity. The box asked you to enter a value to its corresponding question. "What is the current hour?" If you put a value more than 5 and less than 10, an alert box "Breakfast is Served!" will appear.

This activity uses 24-hours-format. Use 13, 14 and etc. If you put a value of more than 10 and less than 14, an alert box  "Time for lunch!" will appear.

 If you put a value more than 16 and less than 21, an alert box "It's dinner time!" will appear.

 If you put a value more than 0 and less than 6, an alert box "Sorry, you'll have to wait or get a snack!" will appear. The alert box will also appear if you put a value more than 9 and less than 11, more than 13 and less than 17. In short, this alert box will appear if you put 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 and 24 as a value.

The prompt box will stop appearing  if you will canceled it or put a value less than 1 and more than 24.

Exercise 4 Here we are

 This activity will start with a prompt box asking "Who developed JavaScript?"

And if you put "netscape". There will be an alert box appearing saying "netscape is correct"
 But if you entered the wrong answer it will be asking again and again non stop until you give the correct answer. But if you entered the wrong answer it will give an alert box saying wrong and asking again. You can't end the program if you don't give the correct answer.

Here is the code for this activity.

So I am gonna say goodbye that is for the whole week of activities . :D

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 30 (January 5-9) New year's End!

 hello guys .... sorry for the late update
I am really am sorry. We have been very busy the following week s so I didn't updated some informations about the week.

Well for this week we already are going to take the some exam at our ICT IV. This was really troublesome  because it was a two week vacation that our minds are still floating in the places we have gone to spend our vacation.

Well I'll give you some other details as soon as I can.... ^_^

So bye for now guys :D

Monday, January 26, 2015

December 22-27 : Christmas Vacation ;)

Konnichiwa Mina-san! (Hello Everybody!)
This is a late feedback so gomen(sorry).

Missed me? Well I miss you guys too.. hehehe

Well this week is vacation from school so we can spend the week with our loving families for christmas break. I guess all of us are all with our families right? :)

Don't be sad if there not there, you can always spend christmas with your relatives right. You can also spend it with your friends of course. haha

Okay, This week we also need to pass our blog ranking sheet for this third grading.. I passed mine on December 26. It was early because I need to finished it early because my mother will not agree that I will go outside and go to the internet shop.. It was also expensive here I am poor because I don't have any allowance xD .. hahah 

We also went to Burnham Park for some strolling and skating. I had quite a blast when I was skating.. It had left some mark... 

Ohh and I almost forgot MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :D

SAYANORA(Goodbye)! :)