Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Eight Week(21-25) Positioning!

Look who's back I am!!! hahaha ^^

This week we learned how to position stuffs.

By using the <div> tag..
The <div> tag is like a container where you can put elements for example color, borders, ,margin and etc..

We where given a picture on our gmail account and we need to do it. It's like we need to copy it but we don't have anything to copy.

When we started we look into our examples or guides on how to do it. We need to make the word ONE color red. And the one who finish first gets 10 points. I didn't get any points but at least I finish it.

And we did another activity. We need to make the word TWO in color red. Like usual the first to finish gets 10 points. And like the first one I didn't get any points. hahaha well I don't know, okay.

Well I don't have the picture of the second activity. Well that's for this week.

Please comment!!!! ^^
Thanks! ^^
* MonicaOlarte out* sayanora! (bye) peace ^^

Seventh Week!!(July 14-18) Being Nuts.

Yeah! I am being nuts this week especially this friday.. 

Well last friday was the celebration on Nutrition Month!! And I joined the poster making, I mean we did. I and Winniedy participated on  the poster making.

The time of the poster making was 2 in the afternoon and when we got there I think we were 5 minutes early. And we got there the others were also there too. There was so many who joined the contest I think more than 30. We were given two hours to finish our work.

While working the Administrator or our ICT teacher was going around and looking at our work. 
When I was working the teacher is asking jokely " Monica what is your section.". And I said " I don't know Sir, I think I'm lost." while laughing ... hahahaha ^^ I'm laughing while drawing, coloring, and finishing it.

When the time is finish, I was finish with mine and the others too, but sad to say Winniedy didn't finished hers. It was so Great, like her work is so beautiful but she didn't make it. I think two hours is short other of the contestants didn't finish their work. Well better luck next time. 

Well to tell you I don't think that my work will win. Well I am not good in coloring and shading I admit it but its okay there is a saying Practice makes Perfect and  Try and Try until you die ,I mean try and try until you succeed .. Yeah that's the truth!! hahahaha

Well this is my work and I know its not good but who cares  I drawn it and for me its the best hahahaha ^^
My apology if the picture is not placed correctly. My bad.

Well that's for this week.  Bye take care :3

*MonicaOlarte signing out* Peace!! ^^

Monday, July 14, 2014

Second Week of July! Points Breakdown!!!

Hi guys!!!

You know what we did this week?
We did was 65 points quiz! About the three types of css!!!!

It is like what! I don't know what to type there.. T_T huhuhu
Maybe I will get zero there! hahaha

When the quiz started all of us were busy typing on our computers and others to didn't know what to do just like me. 

Sir Peralta gave us 12 minutes to finish the quiz and he counts down. 
I didn't finish mine because I am slow on typing on the keyboard.

When Sir said stop we moved our chairs backward and he will check our work.
He was on our row I was so nervous that I will get 0.

But to my surprise I got 5, achievement hahaha ^^

And for the other days sir discuss further about the css part 2.


Well that's for this week!

Enjoy your day! God Bless you and your family! ^^

*MonicaOlarte SigningOut * bye ^^

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fifth Week (June 30- July 4) Trial Week


This week was trial week. It is because we are tests if we understood what we were doing..

We were given some details on Inline, Embedded and External Style Sheet. 
A quick review about this!

Inline style sheet within a tag. Applies only to that particular occurance of that tag.
Embedded style sheet is defined within the head section of a page. Applies to that page only.
External style sheet defined in a separate, hence external, file. Applies to all pages that link to the external style sheet.

I got this from this link >> http://www.tutorials4u.com/html/tutorial-12-css.htm <<

You can also see other thing related to CSS in that link above.... Just click to see. ^^
And Quick review ends.... >_^

That we are going to work on.
Well this tests is who finished first gets the high score of ten.

Well my score was 0, 2, and 0.. 
On the last one I was supposed to be 6 but my spelling of style was wrong so it didn't validate on the computer.. But its okay atleast I learned something right? ^^

Well its not like I'm the only one that got zero.. Ofcourse no! There are many of us... Hahaha ^^

I'm proud of my score there's nothing to be ashamed off. 'Cause that's what I got ^^ 
Nothing can be undone!!!


Well that's for this week guys!

See Ya ! God Bless You All!

Bye-Bye ^^

* MonicaOlarte out* Peace!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Last Week of June!!!


Its the last week of the month of june!!!! yeah!!! ^^

We did on this week was the 2nd part of CSS.

While we were typing our teacher will ask questions and after that he will also discuss it.

Well I think like in the second week, I did'n have any answer to some question...
'Cause i don't know, okay!!! ^_^

I don't think we did much this week... really I don't know.

Well sometimes I can be forgetful about something and remember it when it reminds me.

Hahaha weird right!! Well I had fun on ICT IV on the last week too...

Its Great!!! ^^


Well that's for this week!!!

See ya !!! Always take care! Godbless You!! ^^

*MonicaOlarte Out*

Friday, July 4, 2014

Third Week of June!

HI!! ^_^

We did on the third week was our first online quiz..

Well to tell the truth I don't know much about the quiz so I answered some questions wrong...

Hahahah You know what i got?? I got half of it..

And we also finished the css part 1 that our teacher gave us..

Our teacher also asks us questions while we are typing on the computer..
Sometimes I don't answer because I don't know .

My Classmates finished theirs first,
I was left behind because I am slow typing on the keyboard..

Well gonna practice more on typing. Yeah Fighting!!! ^^


Well that  for now...

See ya soon! ^^

* MonicaOlarte Out *

Second Week: Further Details

I'm back!

For the second week we learned further details about CSS. Like for example what is a style sheet it is a manner doing something elegantly, grandly and fashionable.

We learned also that a style sheet consists of the style rule that has two parts the selector and the declaration block.

Selector is a HTML element that you try to stylize, and the

Declaration Block is the properties and values that describe the style for selector.

I learned quite alot from the second week.

Many things are enjoying to do and fun to understand.

But you know what? Sometimes I don't get anything about it and sometimes I get confused on what to write. So I ask my seatmate. 

Times they will just ignore me like I am not there but I don't care 'cause I will pester them until I get an answer. ^^

Hahaha they look funny when they are irritated by me.

That's for now..


How did you do on the second week? 

Did you understand?

Well take care guys!  Got to Go!! Laters!!! ^^

* MonicaOlarte Out *

June 2-6 : First Week= Introduction on CSS

Introduction on CSS or Cascading Style Sheet.

Cascading Style Sheet(CSS)- is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formating of a document writen in a markup language.
While this is often used to style web pages and etc..

You can see more information in this link >>> http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets  <<<

I got this on Wikipedia. ^^

All we did was study the sample that our teacher gave us and write on the notepad and see if you did it correctly.

Our teacher also gives us guides on what to do and what is the meaning of those things.
And he also helps us if we get confused on something we don't understand.

He discussed to us the real meaning and other things related to CSS.

We didn't do much anyway on the first week on our ICT class.

But you know what I had fun on typing things on notepad and also finding what is wrong with what I did. It's like Hide and Seek but this one is called Find and Fix ... 
Hahaha funny right? ^^

And that's what we did on the 1st week of June.. ^^

How about you guys did you have fun?

Well I did ^^

Take care!! Bye for now!! ^^

* MonicaOlarte Out *