Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Seventh Week!!(July 14-18) Being Nuts.

Yeah! I am being nuts this week especially this friday.. 

Well last friday was the celebration on Nutrition Month!! And I joined the poster making, I mean we did. I and Winniedy participated on  the poster making.

The time of the poster making was 2 in the afternoon and when we got there I think we were 5 minutes early. And we got there the others were also there too. There was so many who joined the contest I think more than 30. We were given two hours to finish our work.

While working the Administrator or our ICT teacher was going around and looking at our work. 
When I was working the teacher is asking jokely " Monica what is your section.". And I said " I don't know Sir, I think I'm lost." while laughing ... hahahaha ^^ I'm laughing while drawing, coloring, and finishing it.

When the time is finish, I was finish with mine and the others too, but sad to say Winniedy didn't finished hers. It was so Great, like her work is so beautiful but she didn't make it. I think two hours is short other of the contestants didn't finish their work. Well better luck next time. 

Well to tell you I don't think that my work will win. Well I am not good in coloring and shading I admit it but its okay there is a saying Practice makes Perfect and  Try and Try until you die ,I mean try and try until you succeed .. Yeah that's the truth!! hahahaha

Well this is my work and I know its not good but who cares  I drawn it and for me its the best hahahaha ^^
My apology if the picture is not placed correctly. My bad.

Well that's for this week.  Bye take care :3

*MonicaOlarte signing out* Peace!! ^^

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