Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Eight Week(21-25) Positioning!

Look who's back I am!!! hahaha ^^

This week we learned how to position stuffs.

By using the <div> tag..
The <div> tag is like a container where you can put elements for example color, borders, ,margin and etc..

We where given a picture on our gmail account and we need to do it. It's like we need to copy it but we don't have anything to copy.

When we started we look into our examples or guides on how to do it. We need to make the word ONE color red. And the one who finish first gets 10 points. I didn't get any points but at least I finish it.

And we did another activity. We need to make the word TWO in color red. Like usual the first to finish gets 10 points. And like the first one I didn't get any points. hahaha well I don't know, okay.

Well I don't have the picture of the second activity. Well that's for this week.

Please comment!!!! ^^
Thanks! ^^
* MonicaOlarte out* sayanora! (bye) peace ^^

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