Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fifth Week (June 30- July 4) Trial Week


This week was trial week. It is because we are tests if we understood what we were doing..

We were given some details on Inline, Embedded and External Style Sheet. 
A quick review about this!

Inline style sheet within a tag. Applies only to that particular occurance of that tag.
Embedded style sheet is defined within the head section of a page. Applies to that page only.
External style sheet defined in a separate, hence external, file. Applies to all pages that link to the external style sheet.

I got this from this link >> <<

You can also see other thing related to CSS in that link above.... Just click to see. ^^
And Quick review ends.... >_^

That we are going to work on.
Well this tests is who finished first gets the high score of ten.

Well my score was 0, 2, and 0.. 
On the last one I was supposed to be 6 but my spelling of style was wrong so it didn't validate on the computer.. But its okay atleast I learned something right? ^^

Well its not like I'm the only one that got zero.. Ofcourse no! There are many of us... Hahaha ^^

I'm proud of my score there's nothing to be ashamed off. 'Cause that's what I got ^^ 
Nothing can be undone!!!


Well that's for this week guys!

See Ya ! God Bless You All!

Bye-Bye ^^

* MonicaOlarte out* Peace!!!

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