Monday, July 14, 2014

Second Week of July! Points Breakdown!!!

Hi guys!!!

You know what we did this week?
We did was 65 points quiz! About the three types of css!!!!

It is like what! I don't know what to type there.. T_T huhuhu
Maybe I will get zero there! hahaha

When the quiz started all of us were busy typing on our computers and others to didn't know what to do just like me. 

Sir Peralta gave us 12 minutes to finish the quiz and he counts down. 
I didn't finish mine because I am slow on typing on the keyboard.

When Sir said stop we moved our chairs backward and he will check our work.
He was on our row I was so nervous that I will get 0.

But to my surprise I got 5, achievement hahaha ^^

And for the other days sir discuss further about the css part 2.


Well that's for this week!

Enjoy your day! God Bless you and your family! ^^

*MonicaOlarte SigningOut * bye ^^

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