Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week 29 (December 15- 19) Need to Finish This :3

Hello guys its ME!! :D

This week I finished my flowchart 5 and paste it to our teachers computer so he can check it.

I don't have my picture of what I did, but I finished my flowchart 5 ..

I'll paste it here if I know how to take a print screen okay :D


*Bye See you next time ;)*
        God Bless U All
*mso1772 out :P*

Week 28 (December 8-14) Flow Charts :)

Hello heheh!!!

Guys and Girls haha ... We did this week was flow charts of the things that we had typed in our computer. For the first flow chart I was the one who finished first in our batch. And I am off to the other flow charts that are needed to be done this week!:D

Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.

This was confusing when we did it but it was fun :D

Here are some pictures !! This is credits to -->

I don't have the pictures of my flow charts that I made because I forgot to take a picture.

Week 27 (December 1-5) Its the Start of JavaScript 4

Hello people!!! How are you?
Well fine are you? :D

Okay this week we are going to tackle a new topic the JavaScript 4. I hope we will like and like that too. Sometimes I don't like it, so confusing hehehe :)

GoodBye JS3! Hello JS4 :)


*Bye Bye! nyahaha :D*

*mso1772 out :*

Week 26 ( November 24-28) PreJS3quiz and Js3 quiz ^_^

Hello guys!
This week had two quizzes I think hehe :D
All I got was a very low score that I don't need to mention because it is bad. I am very sad that I will not say what I got :P

Okay I will put a picture :)
This is the picture is credits to Jessa Marie Pangan because she did it. ^_^

Week 25 ( November 17-21)

Hello guys!
 I will show only pictures for today because this week was the continuation of the JavaScript :D

Credits for the pictures to -->

Week 24 (November 10-14) Its time to type :P

Hello guys! :D
I'm Back Again hehehe :D

I am happy, who's happy too? You are? Then that's great! ^_^

Okay now guys I am going to show you some pictures of what we have typed already and what came out of it. :)

This pictures are credits to Ara Gonzales. Visit her blog too if you please.
Here is the link -->

Week 23 (November 3-7) Intramurals and the Start of Something New ^_^

Hello mina-san :) Missed me?
yeah I know right! :P

Okay this week, we did this week in our ICT was the JavaScript 3. We need to encode them and our teacher discussed the meaning and other tings about it. We also need to encode it all so we will be finished. But this week also was our Intramurals.

It was annoying because our teacher made us guard the Social Hall and keep it in order. It was annoying because of the bats, the odor in the place, and the teacher that gives orders around and something like that. >_<

This is what we did this week and we only got to our ICT class I thing 3 times only because of our schedule is busy. ^_^


*That's all bye guys ! See you next time in my next feed back be sure to stay tune. ;) *

( * mso1772 Out :P * )

Friday, December 19, 2014

Week 22 (October 27- 31) What A Week @_@

Hi guys! Missed Me?

Guess YES? Right? ^_^
Sorry guys for the late feedbacks and stuffs..

Okay this week our teacher Sir Peralta discussed all about the JavaScript  2 and this also he gave us quiz on that topic. And I was so confused because it was also the time that our classmates are going to join some pageant held in our school. We were gonna help in making the costume.

We were confused but Jayvee and Kia told Sir Peralta the situation so he understood and will give the quiz tomorrow. We were happy but before that there was an ugly person that said that we are going to do it for our classmates but she never helped in making in the costume ... What a person such a liar.

It was busy and fun also. ^_^


That's all bye!!
See you next time be sure to tune in for the next feed backs okay? ^_<

Sayanora Mina-san ! :*

Friday, November 21, 2014

Twenty First Week(Oct.20-24) Sembreak? You can say that! :D

Hi guys! It's been long seen I updated. Well I am sorry guys, It's been a busy week and we have to do our school homeworks and stuffs like that.

Well enough with this.. hahaha ^_^

This week was a week vacation for us students. We had some time to do some chores and help out with some household. But since its like that we had some free time some of our teachers gave us projects to complete and submit at the end of our vacation. I was like.. Why? Its a week vacation right? Arrgghh it was so annoying that I did it. Yeah like that. If you can finish it early then you have time to relax right? Yeah right! That is what I did the whole week of my vacation. The same goes for my classmates.

While we had the week vacation I had the time to watch the animated movie "Whisper of the Heart". It was an amazing story. You should watch it too its great! ^_^


BYE! Till next time :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Twentienth Week( Oct.13-17, 2014) Exams!!

Hi guys! I'm back :)
Did you miss me?? Well I did! haha ^^

This week all we did was taking exams. The exams are though and hard, I don't even know what to answer.. It's like What The Heck! Did we learned this?? Argghh so frustrating ...

We also had an exam with our ICT subject. It's like the first periodic exam. We had 30 question in our computers that we need to answer in 9 minutes. The exam was time pressured. I don't know what the answer of the other question its confusing. You know what I did?, I did the thing like Mini, Mini, Mine, Moe? haha I don't know..

Well that's what we did that week.. Its quiet stressful you need to review all the subjects that will be taken in by the exam that day.

Well see you guys on my next feedback! Make sure to comment or give some suggestions that will improve my blog. Thanks. Bye ^^

Nineteenth Week (October 6-10) Got that as Expected! =_=

Hi guys! ^_^

Well here I am again giving you some updates!

This week we did some activities but I didn't get some score but its okay that's what I get so I am okay with it.. We did activities but no one got any points because it was confusing.

Thought it was confusing it was till fun because I enjoyed typing the codes under time pressure.

Today I don't have any pictures that I can share. Gomen!! >_<


*That's all guys see you next time *

Take care., Always watch for my feedback. okay? >_^
You can also comment any suggestions or comments that can improve my blog. :)

Nic's Out! bye! :*

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Week 18 (September 29- Oct. 3) It's Awesome

Hi guys!

Due to the Science Annual Cosplay Event we didn't meet our ICT class to support our classmates that are joining the event!

And another was no classes in the afternoon because there was a program that was held that afternoon.

And Also the Teacher's Day Celebration.

Happy Teacher's Day Sir Peralta

And that is what we did this week ^^

Good Bye guys! Till next time .. God Bless you all! :)

Week 17 (September 22- 26) Confused about the News =_=

Hello Everyone :)

Well you all knew that due to the typhoon Luis there was no classes last week, right?

Until monday came there was a news about having classes and that made me excited to see my classmates again.

And Laters past.......................... another News came that said there were no classes.

It all continued like that and that made me confused to the point I didn't  go to school.
And that made me sleep all afternoon haha.. xD

Well that's for this week.

God Bless you guys! :)
Thanks for everything, I appreciate it.

Sixteenth Week (September 15-19) A Week Of Boredom? :3

Hi Guys!

Well to tell you the truth we didn't go to school this week due to the typhoon Luis that 'caused flash floods in different barangays here in calasiao.

Here I'll show some pictures that I have taken.

I taken this I think sept. 16? I don't know. But it's already flooded on our way to school.

Here is another one. This is taken to at the same date. The water is really high and almost near the bridge :3

Well that's all guys. I was really bored because I was stuck on our house for a week and didn't come out. That was boring you know.

Good bye guys! See you :)

Fifteenth Week (September 8-12) Recap Guys!! :)


Do you guys remember what we learned before?

Here is a recap :)

An alert box is used to make sure information comes through the user. Well, it often pops-up with an exclamation point embedded in a yellow triangle if you are using an Internet Explorer. I tried to open it using Chrome and Firefox but unfortunately it won't work. And it's really hard to tell whether it's an alert or a confirm box.
While, a prompt box is used if you want the user to input a value before entering the page.
And a confirm box is used if you want the user to verify or accept something. It often pop-up with a color blue question mark embedded in a "white-conversation-shape".

The details above are credits to Winniedy. Visit her blog if you have time, okay? :)
Here is her blogsite >>

Now that we are finished about that. Let me show you some pictures.

First,is the alert box

 I told you how to do this right? It's easy now. :)

A prompt box with a "What is your number?" will appear on the screen. As  a user, we have the choice to input a value or you may just want to cancel the asked question. But in this activity, we are commanded to work on with the "inputting a value".

After entering a value, the screen will be look like this. A confirm box will appear asking if the input value is correct or not.

If you click OK, an alert box will appear with the words "Thank You!".

After entering a value, the screen will be look like this. A confirm box will appear asking if the input value is correct or not.

And that we are finish! :)

See you guys okay^^ Bye!

Fourteenth Week (September 1-5) Second Encounter with JavaScript!

Hello Mina-san! ^^

This week we learned on the second part of JavaScript the different methods on how to create dialog boxes.

I will introduce first the three different methods.

  • alert( )
  • prompt( )
  • confirm( )
The Alert Box. An alert box is often used to make sure information comes through the user. 
How to make an alert box? I'll teach you! :)
This is an example:
alert("It's Superman!")
It's easy right? You can place this inside the <script></script> tags.

Here is an example of an alert box exercise we did.

This is our first activity. ^^

This is the second continuation of our second activity. Well sorry I don't have the picture for the first one.

Next lets proceed to the Prompt Box. The Prompt Box is often used if you want the user to input a value before entering the page.

I know this a little confusing but I know you'll know how to use it.
Here is an example:

var name=prompt("What is your name?", "");

Last, is the Confirm Box. A Confirm Box is often used if you want the user to verify or accept something.

If you want to know more info visit this link >>


Goodbye! See you next time! God Bless :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Thirteenth Week (August 25-27) - More of JavaScript.

This week we only had 3 days here because we went to Daniel Maramba National High School for the Division Leadership Training(DLT).

Guys! I'm sorry I can also share to you few details of what we learned, is it okay?
Well thanks! :)

First, we learned what is JavaScript Variables. JavaScript variables are "containers" for storing information.

This too is the same meaning, JavaScript variables are "containers" for storing data values.

For more info and examples visit this link >>

Guys! you can also use different variable names it depends on what you use.

Sir Peralta gave us an activity regarding on this.

This is our second activity. Well I got nothing here because it was an activity regarding how fast you can do the activity. For sure I am not one hahah, you know why? I am slow in typing in the keyboard. :3

This is our third activity same as the second one. I got nothing. hahaha. The difference in this picture is we only added a box.

That's all guys! Sayanora... 'Till next time :*

Twelfth Week (August 18-22) Welcome JavaScript!

Konnichiwa Mina-san!!! (Hello Everyone) :)

It's the start of our JavaScript lectures. Yeah! So excited yet nervous >_< , because they say that javaScript was hard.

Well guys,  JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world.
It is the language for HTML, for the Web, for computers, servers, laptops, tablets, smart phones, and more.

for more info check the link >>

We tackled also to where we should put JavaScript in a HTML document. JavaScript should be embedded inside the <head></head> tags or in the <body></body> tags. The best place to store function definitions and objects is inside the <head></head> tags. If you want text displayed at a specific spot in the document, you may want to place the JavaScript code within the <body>.

JavaScript ends with a <script> tag and ends on its corresponding tag.

*Here are some outputs we did.* :)

Our first one.


 and Our last output.

There are three different data types. One is the numeric which is the numbers or computations. Two is the string which is used for text display. You should put a quotation marks into it to be recognized as a string. And lastly is the Boolean which is the logical data or comparisons like true, false, yes, no.

The process of combining strings together is called Concatenation. The string concatenation operator is a plus sign (+).

Here is an example for you to understand this kind of process.

<script language="JavaScript">
   document.write("I'm "+"cute.")

* Here is a picture of our activity in Concatenation. *

Well at first this activity was confusing. Well I got no points here. But i know what to do here. Yeah so happy! :3


Sayanora! ;)
'till next time. :*

Eleventh Week (August 11-15) Don't Know?

Hi guys its me again ! :)

For this week we did will do an Hands-on exam consisting 115 points. Well I don't know if I can do it, you ask why? It's because I don't know what to type there, like its so frustrating.

Well we learned here what <div></div> tags are and how to use them.

The <div></div> tag it is a container. You should use a class selector in making a divStyle. Just like this one:    

.divStyle { position: absolute; background-color: white;  background-image: url(nav-bgwgear.png) ;       }

But remember it should be put inside the <style></style> tags.
If you're going to apply that in your webpage you should at least use an inline.

<div style="width: 850px; height: 125px; left:150px; top:159px;  background-position: left;  background-repeat: repeat-y" class="divStyle"> </div>And that should be place inside the <body></body> tags.

* This is the picture of our hands-on exam that we need to do ^^*


In this hands-on we need to do 4 boxes. Well I still don't know how to use .paraStyle tag. So maybe I will ask my classmates. Well that's all guys.


Godbless you guys. ;)
* It's monica :3 signing out*

Friday, September 26, 2014

Tenth Week (August 4-8) Our First Periodic Exam!

Hi guys! ^^

 Still this is a late update.. Sorry please forgive me! Thank you!

Gosh Its our first exam on ICT I am nervous.
OHHHHH EXAM please give me a passing score! >_<

Well our exam consist of 30 questions and we need to answer all the questions in 9 minutes. My classmates were all nervous too like me haha.. Well we all are. When we are done answering Sir Peralta went to our assigned computers to check our answers.. Gosh! When it was my turn I am like thinking in my mind "Please a passing score!" . Well I got 19 and that made me happy! ^^

The highest among us was rohan she got 25 while next to her is Winniedy 24.
I am happy of what I got because every score that I get was based on what I understood about the lesson and the review that I made.

Well that's all guys! See you on my next update! Love lots! ^^


Sayanora Mina-san!! (Goodbye Everyone) ^^

*MonicOlarte signing out!* God bless you all!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ninth Week (July 28 to Aug. 1) Completing Our Blogs?!

Hi guys!! ^_^

Well first I need to say sorry because this is a late feedback on what is happening to our class.
I hope you guys can understand why I didn't post recently. ^^

Well this week we did our blog, checking what's wrong and updating stuffs about what we have learned so far. Well it took us sleepless or lack of sleep just to do our blog and including the others stuff we need to finish. Well everyone were like zombies big eyebags and they look haggard haha. ^^

Why blog?! haha why are you so hard to do but also fun. ^^

blog (a truncation of the expression weblog) is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject.

Credits to ->>

Well that's all for today! :3

Have a great day and godbless. Don't forget to pray.


*This is Monica signing out! * Love lots :*

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Eight Week(21-25) Positioning!

Look who's back I am!!! hahaha ^^

This week we learned how to position stuffs.

By using the <div> tag..
The <div> tag is like a container where you can put elements for example color, borders, ,margin and etc..

We where given a picture on our gmail account and we need to do it. It's like we need to copy it but we don't have anything to copy.

When we started we look into our examples or guides on how to do it. We need to make the word ONE color red. And the one who finish first gets 10 points. I didn't get any points but at least I finish it.

And we did another activity. We need to make the word TWO in color red. Like usual the first to finish gets 10 points. And like the first one I didn't get any points. hahaha well I don't know, okay.

Well I don't have the picture of the second activity. Well that's for this week.

Please comment!!!! ^^
Thanks! ^^
* MonicaOlarte out* sayanora! (bye) peace ^^

Seventh Week!!(July 14-18) Being Nuts.

Yeah! I am being nuts this week especially this friday.. 

Well last friday was the celebration on Nutrition Month!! And I joined the poster making, I mean we did. I and Winniedy participated on  the poster making.

The time of the poster making was 2 in the afternoon and when we got there I think we were 5 minutes early. And we got there the others were also there too. There was so many who joined the contest I think more than 30. We were given two hours to finish our work.

While working the Administrator or our ICT teacher was going around and looking at our work. 
When I was working the teacher is asking jokely " Monica what is your section.". And I said " I don't know Sir, I think I'm lost." while laughing ... hahahaha ^^ I'm laughing while drawing, coloring, and finishing it.

When the time is finish, I was finish with mine and the others too, but sad to say Winniedy didn't finished hers. It was so Great, like her work is so beautiful but she didn't make it. I think two hours is short other of the contestants didn't finish their work. Well better luck next time. 

Well to tell you I don't think that my work will win. Well I am not good in coloring and shading I admit it but its okay there is a saying Practice makes Perfect and  Try and Try until you die ,I mean try and try until you succeed .. Yeah that's the truth!! hahahaha

Well this is my work and I know its not good but who cares  I drawn it and for me its the best hahahaha ^^
My apology if the picture is not placed correctly. My bad.

Well that's for this week.  Bye take care :3

*MonicaOlarte signing out* Peace!! ^^

Monday, July 14, 2014

Second Week of July! Points Breakdown!!!

Hi guys!!!

You know what we did this week?
We did was 65 points quiz! About the three types of css!!!!

It is like what! I don't know what to type there.. T_T huhuhu
Maybe I will get zero there! hahaha

When the quiz started all of us were busy typing on our computers and others to didn't know what to do just like me. 

Sir Peralta gave us 12 minutes to finish the quiz and he counts down. 
I didn't finish mine because I am slow on typing on the keyboard.

When Sir said stop we moved our chairs backward and he will check our work.
He was on our row I was so nervous that I will get 0.

But to my surprise I got 5, achievement hahaha ^^

And for the other days sir discuss further about the css part 2.


Well that's for this week!

Enjoy your day! God Bless you and your family! ^^

*MonicaOlarte SigningOut * bye ^^

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fifth Week (June 30- July 4) Trial Week


This week was trial week. It is because we are tests if we understood what we were doing..

We were given some details on Inline, Embedded and External Style Sheet. 
A quick review about this!

Inline style sheet within a tag. Applies only to that particular occurance of that tag.
Embedded style sheet is defined within the head section of a page. Applies to that page only.
External style sheet defined in a separate, hence external, file. Applies to all pages that link to the external style sheet.

I got this from this link >> <<

You can also see other thing related to CSS in that link above.... Just click to see. ^^
And Quick review ends.... >_^

That we are going to work on.
Well this tests is who finished first gets the high score of ten.

Well my score was 0, 2, and 0.. 
On the last one I was supposed to be 6 but my spelling of style was wrong so it didn't validate on the computer.. But its okay atleast I learned something right? ^^

Well its not like I'm the only one that got zero.. Ofcourse no! There are many of us... Hahaha ^^

I'm proud of my score there's nothing to be ashamed off. 'Cause that's what I got ^^ 
Nothing can be undone!!!


Well that's for this week guys!

See Ya ! God Bless You All!

Bye-Bye ^^

* MonicaOlarte out* Peace!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Last Week of June!!!


Its the last week of the month of june!!!! yeah!!! ^^

We did on this week was the 2nd part of CSS.

While we were typing our teacher will ask questions and after that he will also discuss it.

Well I think like in the second week, I did'n have any answer to some question...
'Cause i don't know, okay!!! ^_^

I don't think we did much this week... really I don't know.

Well sometimes I can be forgetful about something and remember it when it reminds me.

Hahaha weird right!! Well I had fun on ICT IV on the last week too...

Its Great!!! ^^


Well that's for this week!!!

See ya !!! Always take care! Godbless You!! ^^

*MonicaOlarte Out*

Friday, July 4, 2014

Third Week of June!

HI!! ^_^

We did on the third week was our first online quiz..

Well to tell the truth I don't know much about the quiz so I answered some questions wrong...

Hahahah You know what i got?? I got half of it..

And we also finished the css part 1 that our teacher gave us..

Our teacher also asks us questions while we are typing on the computer..
Sometimes I don't answer because I don't know .

My Classmates finished theirs first,
I was left behind because I am slow typing on the keyboard..

Well gonna practice more on typing. Yeah Fighting!!! ^^


Well that  for now...

See ya soon! ^^

* MonicaOlarte Out *

Second Week: Further Details

I'm back!

For the second week we learned further details about CSS. Like for example what is a style sheet it is a manner doing something elegantly, grandly and fashionable.

We learned also that a style sheet consists of the style rule that has two parts the selector and the declaration block.

Selector is a HTML element that you try to stylize, and the

Declaration Block is the properties and values that describe the style for selector.

I learned quite alot from the second week.

Many things are enjoying to do and fun to understand.

But you know what? Sometimes I don't get anything about it and sometimes I get confused on what to write. So I ask my seatmate. 

Times they will just ignore me like I am not there but I don't care 'cause I will pester them until I get an answer. ^^

Hahaha they look funny when they are irritated by me.

That's for now..


How did you do on the second week? 

Did you understand?

Well take care guys!  Got to Go!! Laters!!! ^^

* MonicaOlarte Out *

June 2-6 : First Week= Introduction on CSS

Introduction on CSS or Cascading Style Sheet.

Cascading Style Sheet(CSS)- is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formating of a document writen in a markup language.
While this is often used to style web pages and etc..

You can see more information in this link >>>  <<<

I got this on Wikipedia. ^^

All we did was study the sample that our teacher gave us and write on the notepad and see if you did it correctly.

Our teacher also gives us guides on what to do and what is the meaning of those things.
And he also helps us if we get confused on something we don't understand.

He discussed to us the real meaning and other things related to CSS.

We didn't do much anyway on the first week on our ICT class.

But you know what I had fun on typing things on notepad and also finding what is wrong with what I did. It's like Hide and Seek but this one is called Find and Fix ... 
Hahaha funny right? ^^

And that's what we did on the 1st week of June.. ^^

How about you guys did you have fun?

Well I did ^^

Take care!! Bye for now!! ^^

* MonicaOlarte Out *